Thursday May 9, 2024

Evaluating Job Offer before Accepting it

Taking into consideration the economical times we are facing in today’s job market, you want to make positive if a job offer comes your way. You are fully prepared to accept or decline the offer. Prior to any job offer you probably had a full face to face interview. Did your research on the company […]

Tuition And Student Loans

Many young lawyers who are just starting their legal careers have always struggled with the overwhelming debt of their educations. Student loans are a significant part of financing most college educations and many depend on these loans to complete their training in hopes of a successful career in their chosen fields. While many believed they […]

The Financial Sector’s New Nightmare

Banks, mortgage companies, finance companies, payday cash advance companies – they’ve all come under recent fire for everything from going bust and having to close their doors to charging outrageous fees for ATM uses. They’ve made some big money in the past few years and part of the reason they’ve pulled it off is because […]

Negotiating The Raise In A Recession

Let’s face it, negotiations for higher salaries are awkward. They can be overwhelming and cause us to question our own abilities.  It’s not uncommon for us to wonder to ourselves, “Yeah, but am I worth another 8%?”  Ah, but you also have to answer that question by reminding yourself of the contributions you’ve made at […]

Ever Considered Becoming A Mentor?

Many attorneys believe in the power of giving back.  While many firms routinely do pro bono work, there are those lawyers who like to get a bit more personal in their efforts and mentoring is often the solution. What is Mentoring? A mentor is one who is experienced and knowledgeable in his chosen field of […]

Considering A New Business?

Considering opening your own business? Depending on who you ask, starting a small business in an unpredictable and unkind economy is either a savvy decision or a sure fire way to bankruptcy and other financial ruin. Its true arguments can be made for both; however, it’s important to not allow others determine those decisions that […]

A Woman…er…employee Scorned

There seems to be a lot of hate sites up of former employees who have been ousted or faced the cutting block of the Great 21st Century Recession. These sites, while many might assume are illegal or slanderous in some way, are going on to live long and fruitful lives, courtesy of the internet. But […]

Aviation Lawyers

With so many problems airlines are facing today, it’s no wonder the need for top notch representation is at an all time high. Consumers are frustrated and feel as though they have no recourse. As A. Harrison Barnes coaches his clients, “you need to be seen as the cure”. Those words have never rang more […]

The Freelance Lawyer

Up until the recession really began kicking us all in the teeth, the word “freelance” was sometimes synonymous with “between jobs” or “until a real job comes through”. Fortunately, for freelancers everywhere, we’re beginning to look mighty wise in selection our options. Freelancing offers an impressive list of benefits more traditional employment options lack. Not […]

New Goals for

A. Harrison Barnes reported this week several features that had been revised or added to one of his many career oriented websites. Now, users who incorporate can add their job search to the popular iGoogle application. This makes the job search even easier than before for clients who have added to their arsenal […]

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